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  • Success Stories : Inclusive and Secure Societies

    Home > Success Stories > INDUSTRY: Inclusive and Secure Societies



    Pauvazal – Geolocflex

    In the field of the IoT industry (Internet of Things), the growth of devices integrated with connected technology has been exponential thanks to the digital boom we are living in. Among the challenges this entails, is to improve the quality of life of people, particularly…

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    Largoiko – D-Pal

    The printing industry has long been a mature market. With the emergence of new technologies, the need to become more competitive, reducing costs and optimizing processes has become apparent. Therefore, Largoiko has developed its solution, D-PAL, which allows the…

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    Kheiron Medical Technologies – Mia

    Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death among women worldwide. Early diagnosis by mammography is the best way to prevent mortality, but it requires the intervention of a highly trained workforce (radiologists). While the demand for radiologists is on the…

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    Sexual violence remains an important social problem throughout the world. Although the problem is not limited to a special segment of society, women represent the majority of victims, regardless of whether they are living in developed or developing countries…

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    Brooklyn Fitboxing – Applying tech to boxing

    Brooklyn Fitboxing is a company that has developed a series of training methods derived from boxing and other martial arts, combining them with a technological integration of hardware and software that allows training and competing in real time. It is comparable to…

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    Urban Data Eye – UDE

    Street safety has always been a priority to guarantee the use of public spaces by citizens. The high number of incidents in shops, streets and public spaces has led to the optimization of security measures, bringing new technological solutions to the market. Urban Data Eye…

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    VLATACOM – B-Lock

    Digitization has brought challenges regarding the generation of encryption and access codes that prevent cyber attacks and protect sensitive information, avoiding its leakage. With the B-Lock project, VLATACOM has developed the first physical access control system (PACS)…

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    Zoovel – ZOOVEL-UC

    Since the attack on the Twin Towers in 2001, terrorism has been in our collective unconscious as the main threat to security. With the uncertainty of terrorist actions and fanatic behavior, it is impossible to guarantee a risk-free environment in the crowds. Therefore…

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