Innosuisse’s Swiss Accelerator & Start-up innovation projects
The definitive boost for innovative companies in Switzerland
If you are reading this from Switzerland and you are an SME or a start-up looking for funding to support your innovation projects. In that case, the Swiss Accelerator and the Start-up Innovation Projects are two Innosuisse programmes you should keep in mind. What do these programmes consist of, and how do they differ?
Also, check out some of other swiss success stories.
Swiss Accelerator
🟠 Submitted product or service have been validated already and counts on scalability potential.
🟠 Innosuisse could fund up to 70% of eligible costs, with a maximum of 2.5 million CHF.
🟠 Some of the eligible costs include wages, equipment and material.
🟠The application process comprises 3 steps: short application, full application and interview.
🟠Swiss Accelerator will count on an annual cut-off that will be announced soon. Follow us on our Blog, LinkedIn, or Twitter to be informed about upcoming R&D dates.
Downloadable material
Swiss Start-up Innovation Projects
🟠 This programme aims to support Swiss start-ups with innovative science-based projects oriented towards rapid implementation to the market.
🟠 Just as with Swiss Accelerator, Innosuisse is ready to cover up to 70% of eligible costs.
🟠 Regarding how much funding your application may get, there’s no limit established by Innosuisse for each successful project.
🟠 The duration of your project must be up to 36 months.
🟠 This programme is open for submissions now and, as it happens with the Swiss Accelerator, it involves a 3 steps process: short application, full application and interview. The Innovation Council will meet in May, September and November 2023 to evaluate submitted applications. After these meetings, their decision will be communicated up to 4 weeks later.