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  • EIC Pathfinder

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    EIC Pathfinder: funding to develop your innovative ideas

    The EIC Pathfinder programme is designed for breakthrough and visionary thinkers developing radically new ideas, advanced research, and game-changing technologies.

    Why is the EIC Pathfinder potentially worthwhile for your R&D project?

    🟠 The innovative nature of Pathfinder allows all technological fields in an early stage of development (TRL between 1 to 4).

    🟠 EIC Pathfinder is comprised of a combination of two different funding options: Open and Challenges. Under this last category, proposals must address one of the specific objectives established by the EIC.

    🟠 Your project could receive up to 3M€ (Open) or 4M€ (Challenges).

    Find out more about the EIC Pathfinder programme

    Downloadable material

    If you would like to receive a brief summary of the main points of the EIC Pathfinder, please leave us your email here:

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