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  • HSL Technologies – HYDROSIL

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    SME Instrument/EIC Accelerator

    Hydrogen plays an essential role in energy transition and future low-carbon economy. Thanks to hydrogen’s characteristics, it represents a clear alternative to gasoline, making it possible to achieve the decarbonisation objectives. However, the main challenge of working with this chemical element is how to transport it in a safe and economic way.

    In this context, HSL Technologies arises to develop Hydrosil, a liquid silicon hydride derivative that facilitates hydrogen transportation and storage issues since it isn’t toxic, explosive or dangerous. In this way, this solution enables the transport of seven times more hydrogen per truck, reducing logistic costs and derivative emissions.

    Hysilabs allows the development of hydrogen technologies at a large scale, becoming a total game-changer in the distribution and mobility sector and contributing to a greener future. In recognition of its promising impact, this project was funded under the EIC Accelerator Pilot Green Deal call.