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  • SPRIN-D Projects: Funding Innovation for SMEs and Research Institutions

    by Alba Saldaña | Apr 21, 2023 | Reading time: 2 minutes | Blog

    If you are an SME in the European Union, EFTA, UK, or Israel looking for funding for innovative research and development projects, then SPRIN-D might just be your solution. 

    SPRIN-D, which stands for Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation, is an initiative by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research that provides funding for such projects. Read more to learn all you need to know about SPRIN-D projects, how to apply, and what benefits you can expect from this programme.


    Funding the Future: Eligibility Criteria and Maximum Funding Amounts for SPRIN-D Projects

    One of the great things about SPRIN-D is that it’s open to all legal entities, including universities, research institutions, companies, start-ups, and incubators. 

    Teams must have headquarters in the European Union, EFTA, UK, or Israel. However, individual applicants can be established outside of those regions.

    SPRIN-D funds up to €250K for each submission to help carry out innovative research and development projects.


    Never too late to apply: SPRIN-D deadlines

    Project submission is open at any time, which means you can apply whenever you are ready. However, upon submission, the assessment may take up to 12 weeks.

    SPRIN-D also offers a funding programme for a specific challenge that may open soon


    Ready to Apply?: Contact Us to Learn More

    If you would like to learn more about SPRIN-D and its potential to support your innovative research and development projects, we invite you to contact us for more information.