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  • BeneTalk – SuperPenguin

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    NIHR i4i Product Development Awards
    SuperPenguin NHS Speech Therapy App - Evolution Europe Innovation Interview

    Stammering is a neurological condition affecting speech, causing repeating sounds or getting stuck when speaking. It affects 5-8% of children, creating anxiety and frustration associated with struggles in school, social relationships, job opportunities, and long-term mental health. 

    While it is widely recognised that early support is critical, one third of children with stammer in the UK must wait at least one year for therapy.

    Enter SuperPenguin, a mobile app and web platform designed by Benetalk for parents/carers of children within the NHS speech therapy pathway.  SuperPenguin builds on two previous apps developed for stammering for patients and is designed to enhance the work of  NHS specialists for families with children who stammer. 

    The €1.7 million grant funding it received from the UK´s National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) i4i Product Development Awards, will enhance SuperPenguin to offer new advantages such as personalised care, remote accessibility, patient empowerment, data-driven decision-making, cost-efficiency and scalability to optimise NHS resources.

    By enhancing the overall quality and accessibility of care within NHS’s existing pathways, the SuperPenguin platform represents a significant advancement in the field of speech therapy. 


    Evolution’s role during the grant application was pivotal. The work and support from Evolution Europe was the best I have received so far. We received support at every stage of the process, including preparation for the pitch presentation at the end.

    Jordi Fernandez

    CEO & Founder at SuperPenguin, Benetalk

    Benetalk - SuperPenguin Speech Therapy App